My pitch for the Boba Fett stand-alone movie

I was thinking I would write something besides Star Wars, but that was unrealistic. With the recent release of the teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the first in the anthology films, I felt myself drawn to discuss my favorite character and his upcoming stand-alone film. Boba Fett is the coolest character in the Star Wars universe because of how mysterious he is. He wears the iconic green armor and he is the most-feared  bounty hunter in the galaxy. That creates a lot of concerns for me in how Disney and Lucasfilm will handle a Fett-centric film. Here is my list of do’s and don’ts and a loose plot.

Boba Fett had better be in the iconic armor for the whole film. We should not ever see what he actually looks like.  Mystery is one of the best aspects of the Fett and showing his face will ruin that. That also goes with dialogue. Boba Fett should have less than  15 lines of dialogue. He should be like Mad Max in Mad Max: Fury Road. Boba Fett functions better as a man of few words but all action. The story should also not be how he became Boba Fett but how he became the most infamous man in the galaxy. So I’m thinking he’s been a bounty hunter for awhile before this movie but he isn’t well-known yet. So the movie should be about how he came on to Jabba the Hutt’s radar. Jabba’s the biggest crime lord out there and the movie should show Boba Fett impressing Jabba and coming to work for him.

Another thing this movie shouldn’t have: a love interest. The quickest way to ruin this character is giving him a romantic subplot. Boba Fett only cares about two things: killing and getting paid. That’s it. Don’t try to give him emotional depth. Instead we should get a hard-R underworld movie with Boba Fett violently killing everybody, including a Jedi. As Star Wars fans, we all love Jedi and nothing would make Boba Fett nore feared than being able to kill Jedi. It would be so awesome to watch him find ways to combat the force and a lightsaber, allowing him to murder a surviving Jedi. As a Boba Fett fan, all I want is a dark, violent movie with lots of death and a grimy underworld setting. Don’t mess this up Disney.


  1. chroniclesofdrmaxwell · April 11, 2016

    I have a great deal I could go on about with this one, so I will attempt to be as brief as possible. How he became the bounty hunter he is today is covered already in the Clone Wars CGI show, which portions of have been deemed as cannon. Given than they have canonized the EU stories detailing his escape from the Sarlac pit, it may be entirely possible that we see him return to Mandalore. Given that Mandalore has been given a great deal of attention in the canonized media (the Clone Wars and Rebels TV shows), it would make sense based on the marketing for Boba to at least address his heritage. Jango Fett’s leaving of Madalore was treated with a great deal of gravity in the Bounty Hunter video game. They have a lot to be conscious of regarding this character. I agree he should not have a love interest, at least not a single one. I could see them doing a Jack Sparrow ‘has a girl on every planet
    sort of setup for his adventure, but I could also see him sort of distantly flirting with one of Jaba’s Twi’lek girls.

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  2. trueorfalsehistory · April 13, 2016

    I have to say, I completely agree that Boba Fett does not need a love interest. Far too many great stories are ruined on film by the delusion that only sex sells. While it may be true that sex can sell a super crappy storyline with stale characters, there is no need to throw in an over-the-top attractive character with cheesy pickup lines just to sell tickets at the box office.
    I am going to use The Hobbit as my example, as I am still steaming over the fact that an elvish woman was brought in to do literally nothing but talk about love between a man and a woman in a film that is supposed to represent the epic tale of adventure and courage that J. R. R. Tolkien portrays in his book.
    The Lord of The Rings books and films have already gathered a massive following over the years, much like the previous Star Wars films have. The continuation of the Star Wars films barely even needed to put out advertisements, as pretty much everyone regardless of whether or not they care for the films has known about the newest film’s production for at least the past year. I would say the same is true for The Hobbit. If the books weren’t enough, there were the three films to reach the rest of the population that thinks books are “too much effort”. J.R.R. Tolkien is well known just like George Lucas. Not to mention the fact that Lucasfilm was bought out by Disney and all the press that got.
    Anyways, my point is that people would have gone to see The Hobbit regardless of whether or not a single female entered the story, because the storyline is already flawless and well known. Any Boba Fett film Disney tries to sell doesn’t need to include or allude to any kind of romance, even if it only involves side characters. I sincerely believe that Disney will continue to try and do right by the Star Wars legacy, but I am merely tentatively hopeful that they won’t ruin it with an unnecessary romance.

    –Sorry for my rambling…Tauriel’s presence in The Hobbit still ticks me off quite a bit.

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